By providing the funds to allow students to further their education we are investing in a brighter future. In Kenya, without a university education it is near impossible to enter a professional career. With a new foundation and focus in school, we are giving students motivation and an opportunity for a future otherwise unattainable.
All of our R.E.A.D. university graduates are working in the fields of their study (in banks, schools, hospitals, tech, sales, and tourism). They are able to support themselves, their families, and their communities too. Giving back is a value we instill in our scholars. In January 2021, three of our graduates raised the money, on their own, to create the first ever computer lab in the children’s home that they came home. We are so proud, and excited, for what our graduates are doing in the world.
In addition to our university scholarships, every year R.E.A.D. selects a small number of students to receive scholarships to private secondary schools. In Kenya, education is not free. Past primary school students must pay tuition to go to school (as well as pay for books, uniforms, and many other supplies). By working with headmasters, we pick students with the highest marks and the greatest drive to study at private schools so that they may be best prepared for university.